Words as Weapons - Birdy - Guitar Tab

Words as Weapons Words as WeaponsParoles et musique deJasmine van den Bogaerde© 2013 Good Soldier Songs Limited, Write 2 Live Publishing administered by Kobalt Music Services America Inc (50%) (50%) Warner/Chappell Music Ltd, London W6 8BS Reproduced by permission of Faber Music Ltd All Rights Reserved. Bm4frDq = 1104frDBm44444Note : la corde de Mi aigu doit être accordée un ton en dessous (E = D)20022000220002200050045500405504500055452002200022000200400QuickpartitionsQuickpartitions.com
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Pochette - Words as Weapons - Birdy

Guitar Tab Words as Weapons, Birdy

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Words and Music Birdy
Guitar Tab
Pages 8

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